Saturday, 5 February 2011

Read my LIP

So, although I do not believe that Waltham Forest has published their latest LIP on their website yet, Jim  has very kindly posted a link in his comments to a copy of it.

My shared link to it is here.

I have yet to read it - so will not pass comment on the content.

I intend to email the local Waltham Forest LCC contact as invited to in the LCC flyer sent this month.

If anyone would like to add comments, and lives (or travels by cycle) in Waltham Forest, but doesn't have the LCC contact, please post in the comments and I will attempt to incorporate into my response. I will be keeping feedback constructive. I don't think it would be appropriate to start giving out personal LCC contact details on an open blog, and cannot think of a better way of doing this.

I will email the LCC contact on Friday next week to give myself time to read the document.

It should be noted that Waltham Forest have not given residents the right to public consultation, so what will happen to any feedback is anyone's guess. From the document itself, it would appear that the LCC has already been consulted and no cycling organisation is listed in the statutory consultation yet to occur.


  1. They may not have asked for your comments but that doesn't mean they don't have to get them. Presumably there is a general email address for the council, better still for the planning department or roads dept, to which people coild be encouraged to address their comments. It woudl be a good idea to copy them to your local London Assembly member Jenette Arnold, possibly also to your local MP, and to TfL and to the LA transport committee chair Val Shawcross.

    Point of that is that the LIP is a response to the Mayor's Transport Strategy, which is supposed to confirm in structure, style and content with a briefing issued by the Mayor. If you don't think LBWF is complying with the terms of reference, you want to make sure that TfL knows you think so.

    You could pass comment to the LCC or WFCC but I wouldn't rely solely on that - they may well not see the light of day.

    Speak to Danny at citycyclists about our experiences of responding to the LIP outside the formal campaign structures.

  2. You’ll find Waltham Forest email contact details at the end of my assessment of the LIP.

    Comments need to be specific to the document, i.e. you can suggest something like ‘add blah blah blah’ to Paragraph 4, section 3, page 27, or whatever. You have to adapt whatever you want to say to the structure of the document, there is no point in making broad generalisations.

    The idea of complaining to Boris that Waltham Forest is not consulting local residents is a good one. People often care far more about transport issues than other stuff.

    LCC members who find the LIP unsatisfactory might want to explore what involvement LCC had in drawing up this LIP and whether or not LCC and WFCC believe it accurately reflects their views.

  3. Thanks Freewheeler. I sent my comments up with references to the sections. Not sure that my comments were too useful as I am not au fait with the transport planning lingo.

    Apparently the LCC was consulted during the writing of the document, I don't know how they feel about it. I wanted to attend the meeting the other week, but work got in the way. I am determined to be more active with this, so hopefully in the next month or so I will be able to attend a meeting.
